Oreo Bars

Ready to raise the bar?


30 mins

2 hours (to set in fridge)

5 serves

Oreo Bars Header


  • 3 packs OREO cookies
  • 75g olive oil
  • 200g light cream cheese
  • 50g sugar
  • 200ml light milk
  • 150ml double cream
  • 15g gelatine


  1. Start by finely crushing 25 cookies and mix with melted butter. Press the mixture into a small rectangular cake tin.
  2. Dissolve the gelatine in a bowl with some of the milk over a pot of boiling water.
  3. Next, add the remainder of the milk. Whisk the cream until it becomes whipped cream. Whisk the sugar and cream cheese together also.
  4. Carefully add to the milk/gelatine mixture. Fold in the cream and pour the mixture over the cookie base.
  5. Then chill in the fridge for at least two hours before serving. Decorate with chopped OREO cookies and your OREO Bars are ready for action!

Recipe provided by Oreo Australia